Transform your note-taking and boost your revision with the ATAR Notes Class Notes Planner!
This notepad is the ideal revision tool for students to consolidate key information and condense everything they need to know. Our Class Notes Planner is modelled on the renowned Cornell note-taking system which has been proven to enhance learning, comprehension, and retention through three simple features:
- A key words column to cue recall and make it easy to organise and categorise notes by topic
- A note-taking space for students to transfer key info into their own words, greatly improving their conceptual understanding
- A summary section at the bottom to capture the most important points with absolute clarity, streamlining revision for assessments and exams
Although digital notes can be great for collating information, it's all to easy to end up with a huge document full of clutter that only makes learning more stressful. Instead, the process of handwriting your own notes in this structured format will help synthesise information, empowering students to understand complex subjects and access this information whenever they need it.
Whether you're in high school or uni, note-taking is a fantastic tool for revision and conceptual understanding. Grab your own Class Notes Planner today and take your learning to the next level! |