Catalogue > Primary: Handwriting > 9781741250923

Targeting Handwriting Victoria 5

ISBN: 9781741250923
Targeting Handwriting Victoria Year 5 Student Book focuses on fluency and legibility.

The book includes:
• Sections on speed loops
• Teaching pages featuring two sets of copying lines for reinforcement
• Practical techniques to help students check their letter spacing, word spacing and slope
• Practice of common letter clusters and high frequency words
• A presentation skills section with material on flourished capitals, headings and borders

The Targeting Handwriting Years 3-6 Student Books have been designed to make learning cursive handwriting as easy as possible for students. New skills are introduced sequentially, so that students build on skills one by one and aren't called on to use skills that haven't been introduced yet.
Wherever possible, students copy words underneath models, so that left-handers aren't disadvantaged, and practice of numerals and punctuation is integrated into the writing activities. The books also encourage and support student self-assessment.
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