Catalogue > Primary: Handwriting > 9781741250893

Targeting Handwriting Victoria 2

ISBN: 9781741250893
The emphasis on the Year 2 program is on reducing students' reliance on scaffolding and providing them with increased opportunities to take responsibility for producing handwriting of a consistent size, shape, spacing and slope.

To achieve this, the Year 2 books focus on:
• Patterning
• Practice of the focus letter within words in sentences, or within clusters of words which have a similar phonic pattern, or are often found in Year 2 spelling lists, or are linked by theme
• Tracing and copying sentences and words commonly found in Year 2 spelling lists
• Practice of numerals, number words and punctuation
• Number words and punctuation integrated into sentences
• More emphasis on practice
• Handwriting activities include puzzles, sorting activities, poems and rhymes
• Self-assessment exercises

To be competent writers, students' handwriting needs to be fluent and legible.
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