Catalogue > Infomation & Digital Technology > 9780170440936

Data Analytics VCE Units 3&4 Digital Code

ISBN: 9780170440936
Author:Bass et al.
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Data Analytics VCE Units 3 & 4 fully reflects the scope and intent of the 2020 VCAA VCE Applied Computing study design and features a problem-solving methodology to create digital solutions in a range of contexts.

Key features:

  • All the popular features from the previous edition of these highly respected texts have been retained and updated, including the accompanying teacher website with sample assessment tasks and solutions to all text questions.
  • Practice exams and auto-correcting practice multiple choice questions provide valuable practice and revision for the end of year exam.
  • With the addition of Software Development VCE Units 3 & 4, students can now experience a seamless and consistent approach to all six units of the study design.
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